Leg Lift

Leg Lift

Leg Lift

It is also known as thighplasty (leg lift surgery).

A thigh lift involves the removal of excess skin and fat from each inner and outer thigh. It is usually performed after bariatric surgery, after weight loss or by people who have not been able to lose weight in the thighs with diet and exercise. Liposuction can also be used as an auxiliary procedure in inner thigh lifting. If you have a healthy lifestyle and average weight, a leg lift can help you achieve a more youthful appearance in your thighs.

Am I a good candidate for a leg lift?

Here are some common reasons why you may want to undergo leg lift surgery:

If you have cellulite, sagging and loose skin on your legs due to the effects of aging,
You have successfully lost weight and now you want to have shaped legs to make your body look more proportionate and harmonious,
If your clothes don't fit you properly because of your heavy and big legs,
You are uncomfortable with your legs and want to be at peace with your body again,
If you are in good general health, have a positive attitude and realistic expectations, you are probably a good candidate for a leg lift.

Most people who decide to have a leg lift also have a tummy tuck or a mommy makeover after pregnancy. Leg lift surgery can be performed in combination with a buttock lift in a procedure known as a lower body lift.

Advantages of Leg Lift Procedure

Your clothes and swimsuits will fit better.
Your body will look more shaped and proportionate.
Your legs will be curvier, with smooth lines and a more robust and youthful appearance.

Disadvantages of a Leg Lift

Significant or minor scarring may remain.
Where fat has been removed with liposuction, the skin looks as if it has been blown off.
A second procedure may be needed to correct uneven areas or lumps.
leg lift

How is the Leg Lift Procedure Performed?

Inner Leg Lift: An incision is made in the groin area and excess fat and skin is cut and removed along the inner side of the leg. Depending on your personal needs, liposuction can be used in this procedure, although not always. The area from the groin to the knee is reshaped and the procedure is repeated for the other leg. If a significant amount of tissue is removed, this procedure is called thighplasty.

Outer leg lift: This is a more complex procedure. It usually involves the removal of more tissue and reshaping of the outer parts of the legs as well as the buttocks. Scars are common and the skin becomes less elastic after surgery, so it is important for the patient to maintain their weight.

How should I prepare for a leg lift?

Your doctor will give you postoperative instructions with answers to any questions you may have, take a detailed medical history and perform a physical examination to determine if you are suitable for a leg lift.

Before starting your procedure, your doctor may ask you to

Stop smoking for a better healing process.
Avoid taking aspirin, some anti-inflammatory drugs and some herbal medicines that can cause excessive bleeding.
Regardless of the type of surgery, hydration before and after treatment is very important for a safe recovery.
If weight control or lifestyle changes are recommended, you should do your best to achieve the best surgical results, minimize the possibility of contraindications and not affect the results of the leg lift procedure.

What should I expect on the day of my leg lift surgery?

Your surgery can be performed in an accredited outpatient hospital or in an office-based operating room. Most leg lift procedures are completed within two to three hours, but can take longer.

You will be given medication to keep you comfortable during the surgery.
General anesthesia is often used in leg lift surgeries.
For your safety during surgery, many monitors are used to monitor and control your heart, blood pressure and oxygen circulation in your blood.
Your surgeon will follow the surgery plan discussed with you before the leg lift surgery.
After surgery, you will be taken to an observation area where you will be closely monitored. Excretory tubes will be attached. There will also be compression drapes over the areas where liposuction was performed on your legs and a surgical garment over the surgical site.
If you are under general anesthesia, you may stay overnight in the hospital for observation. You will be discharged when your surgeon is satisfied that you have recovered sufficiently. If your procedure was performed under local anesthesia, you will most likely be allowed to return home after a short observation period, unless you and your surgeon decide on a situation that requires urgent intervention after surgery.

The Recovery Process After Leg Lift Surgery

It is vital that you follow all patient care instructions given by your doctor. This will include information about drain care if a drain has been placed, the use of a prescribed antibiotic and whether an activity is safe for you to do. Your doctor will also give you detailed instructions regarding the normal symptoms you will experience and signs of potential complications. It is important to know that the length of the recovery process after a leg lift varies for each individual.

First 2 Weeks:

Perform only light activities for the first 14 days.
If you see any signs of non-healing or signs of infection during this critical period for your recovery, notify your doctor immediately.
The effect of gravity and the actions of walking and sitting strain the stitched areas, so you should be careful and avoid sudden, forceful movements.
It will help to have someone staying with you during the first few days of your recovery.

2-8 Weeks:

You may need to wear a compression garment for the first month to optimize the shaping of your legs.
The swelling should decrease in three to five weeks.
After the first two to three weeks have passed, you can drive and walk for exercise if it does not cause pain.
Avoid heavy lifting and exerting yourself for 6 - 8 weeks.

How long will my results last?

If you maintain your weight, have a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly, your results will be long-lasting and you will not need leg lift surgery again.

DR. Ahmet Arslan

Treatment Information