Chin Aesthetics

Chin Aesthetics

Chin Aesthetics

The chin is an important factor in enhancing facial aesthetics. Studies show that a proper jawline in men represents masculinity and a proper jawline in women represents youth. Your chin may be disproportionate to others for the following reasons:

Facial trauma


Congenital diseases

Chin aesthetics is performed to correct a weak jawline or reduce the size of a wide jawline. Various methods are applied to achieve the desired result. These methods are

Fillers - Hyaluronic acid is injected into the chin for an improved appearance.
Fat injections - fat is taken from the abdomen and injected into the jawline.
Silicone implants - implants are placed in the jawline under local or general anesthesia.
Reconstruction of the jaw bones.
Placement of bone cartilage.

Chin Aesthetics

Chin aesthetics is a procedure performed to reduce long or wide jaws. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia. An incision is made inside the mouth to reshape and narrow the chin.

The patient should be careful to eat and drink for a while. The patient is kept under control for 1 month and the results are usually obtained within a few months.

Different techniques can be used in chin aesthetics. This can be corrected by filling the back of the chin with silicone and fillers. If it is short, it can be extended forward with the help of screws.

In short, since the surgery is performed in a standard surgery, it is necessary to determine the type of surgery in line with the person's discomfort.


Things to Consider Before Jaw Surgery

A comprehensive assessment is required to check your suitability for jaw surgery. When you are eligible, a procedure date is set.
You should refrain from smoking 2 weeks before the scheduled procedure date.
A few weeks after the surgery, smoking can be allowed with the doctor's approval.
Blood thinners should not be taken before jaw surgery.
These are very important because the success of your surgery affects the healing process. If the jaw surgery is single jaw, it takes 1.5 to 3 hours.


Jaw Postoperative Care

After the chin aesthetics is completed, you will need to stay in the hospital. Your doctor will then prescribe painkillers and other necessary medications. You will need to use a bandage for a while. There will be slight bruising and swelling. However, they will start to disappear after 10 days.

DR. Ahmet Arslan

Treatment Information